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How to Share Your Google Calendar

You can share your Google Calendars with others and set specific permissions.

Step 1 - The quickest way to share your Google Calendar is to go to the left side of your Google Calendar screen to 'My calendars'

Left hand side of Google Calendar screen, showing month view and below that the list of calendars

Step 2 - Click the 3 dots next to the calendar name and select 'Settings and sharing'.

List of calendars in Google calendar

Step 3 - Scroll to the 'Share with specific people or groups' section and to share your calendar with someone new click 'Add people and groups'.

list of share permissions in google calendar settings

Step 4 - Add their email and decide what permissions you would to give them, see the options below, then click 'Send'.

share box in google calendar and the list of permissions

You can go to this section at any time to remove or edit the permissions.

list of permissions in google calendar

You can also access the share settings from the Google Calendar settings menu.

The settings box in Google Calendar

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